Haitian Art 101 – Past, Present and Future


The presentation will inspire art aficionados to look deeper into the evolution of the Haitian Art movement.

Haitian art is some of the most unique and beautiful in the world. It has a rich history dating back to the 18th century, and it has undergone a number of evolutions since then. In this session with Eveline Pierre with the Haitian Heritage Museum, she'll take a look at the past, present, and future of Haitian art.

What's the History of Haitian Art?

The past can be traced back to when Haiti was a French colony. The colonists brought with them a love of art, and they taught their slaves how to paint and sculpt. These slaves created works of art that were heavily influenced by their African heritage. When Haiti gained its independence from France, these African-influenced works of art became known as "Haitian Vodou. Over the next few centuries, Haitian Vodou evolved into a number of different styles.

Despite its long history, Haitian art is still largely unknown to the rest of the world. However, that is starting to change. In recent years, there has been a growing interest among collectors and investors. As more people become aware of Haiti's rich artistic tradition, the future looks bright for these artists. Thanks to the Internet, it is now easier than ever for Haitians to sell their work to a global audience. With any luck, the rest of the world will finally start to appreciate Haiti's incredible art scene. It's some of the most beautiful and unique art in the world.

This session is led by Eveline Pierre, an expert in Haitian Art and the founder of the 1st Haitian Heritage Museum, outside of Haiti. She will explain in detail:

  • The evolution of Haitian Art
  • The popular styles
  • A new perspective of the future

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Eveline Pierre

Eveline Pierre is a speaker, best selling author and founder of the 1st Haitian Heritage Museum, outside of Haiti. As a cultural strategist, Ms. Pierre’s primary focus is to create a legacy for the future generation while educating the world about the many contributions by the Haitian people. Ms. Pierre’s expertise is in the field of Arts & Entertainment.Pierre has been active in the...

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