A member of the American Society of Appraisers (ASA) since 1980, Frances Zeman graduated with a B.S. degree from the University College of New York University and earned an M.A. degree in Art History from Brooklyn College (CUNY). She is accredited by the American Society of Appraisers to appraise Fine Art, Antiques and Decorative Arts, Oriental Rugs, Residential Contents-General, and has competed ASA coursework in preparation for an Appraisal Review and Management – Personal Property (ARM) designation. An ASA Fellow since 2010 and former Chancellor of the College of Fellows, she is also an ASA designated Life Member. She has held various membership and executive positions on the Personal Property Committee and is a current emerita to that committee. She has been Personal Property Vice-Chair to the International Board of Examiners, a member of the International Board of Governors, and has held several international committee positions.
Ms. Zeman has organized many ASA conferences, seminars, and has presented at them on varied topics. She has been on the faculty of the American Society of Appraisers Principles of Valuation education program since 2007 and has developed curriculum for that program. She is currently an instructor for POV 202 – Research & Analysis: The Development of an Appraisal and has taught POV 203 – Communication of Research & Analysis: Appraisal Report Writing; both courses are USPAP based. She has also taught an advanced appraisal report writing course titled “The Logic of the Argument”.
Ms. Zeman participated as a joint committee member on the Personal Property Sub-Board for the written revision of Guidance Note 4 (GN-4) for the International Personal Property Standards for the RICS Red Book (2013) and was an FRICS through 2017. She has had articles published in professional journals and on the Internet, has been interviewed for and quoted in newspaper and magazine articles and appeared in a segment on NBC’s The Today Show.
Ms. Zeman is a member of several professionally related organizations that further the development of visual and related arts, including continued research and scholarship, and the pursuit of professionalism. Her broad client and appraisal experience includes Insurance placement and loss, Estates & Trust matters, Charitable Contributions and other Wealth Management strategies.
Get to Know Me
What do you do in the art world?
I am an ASA accredited appraiser of Fine Art and Decorative Arts and Antiques
What are the most challenging aspects of your work?
Every appraisal is an argument for value. Among the most challenging and rewarding problems involve unique properties that seemingly have no answer – but there always is. Every client is different and to be able to serve each and to meet their needs is one of the most rewarding aspects of my professional career.
How did you begin your career in the art world?
A good academic education, including an MA in art history provided a sound basis on which to expand my love of the arts. Joining the American Society of Appraisers and availing myself of their outstanding educational programs provided me with an understanding of what it means to be professional, that appraisal is a profession rather than a trade, and that there is a specific vocabulary to know and methodology to follow; all of these helped me to advance my career. Many experienced appraisers in the organization provided encouragement and mentorship – both of which were so very important.