Shortlisted for the Turner Prize in 2016, Anthea Hamilton is renowned for her bold, often humorous works which incorporate references from the worlds of art, design, fashion and popular culture. Research is at the centre of her work, with subjects as diverse as art nouveau design to 1970s disco, studied closely and used as a lens through which to view the world.
Hamilton will reveal a major new work, transforming the heart of Tate Britain into an immersive installation that will combine sculpture and performance.
The annual commission, supported by Sotheby’s, invites a contemporary British artist to create a new artwork in response to Tate Britain’s grand Duveen Galleries. The series began in 2000, when a new sculpture by Mona Hatoum was unveiled, and has been an annual event since 2008. Featured artists have since included Mark Wallinger, Martin Creed, Fiona Banner, Simon Starling, Phyllida Barlow, Pablo Bronstein and Cerith Wyn Evans.