Mr. Shindell heads LMI Group, an investment bank-like firm that underwrites the market release of major orphaned artworks. A lawyer by profession, Mr. Shindell holds licenses in a number of U.S. jurisdictions including admission to the Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States. Mr. Shindell served as the chief executive officer of U.S.‐New York‐headquartered ARIS Title Insurance Corporation (acquired during his tenure by Argo Group (NYSE: ARGO)). Mr. Shindell has provided expert testimony before the United States Tax Court on the interrelationship among legal title, valuation and tax questions involving fine art and before the United States Congress on financial integrity and money laundering in the international art industry. At ARIS, Mr. Shindell helped to launch of the art industry’s first institutional‐grade, non‐recourse art lending platform supported by property insurers, reinsurers and a leading North American pension plan capital provider and to secure, in partnership with the Lloyd’s syndicate market, approval from Lloyd’s Corporation of the industry’s first full suite of credit-risk coded insurance products to support art collateralized lending meeting Basel III/IV and Solvency II/III compliance requirements. Mr. Shindell formerly practiced law as a trial and appellate litigation attorney. He holds the highest rating for professional standards and ability by the legal profession’s leading peer review rating organization (Martindale‐Hubbell) and holds degrees from the University of Wisconsin and Emory University School of Law.
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Lawrence M. Shindell, Laura Patten, Ronald Fiamma, Mary Pontillo, Dennis M. Wade