Simon Hornby is President, Art Services for Crozier Fine Arts, the industry leader in Fine and Decorative Arts storage, transport and art collection management. Mr. Hornby is responsible for Crozier’s art storage division and its specialized climate controlled facilities in New York and New Jersey, development of new services, liaison with key clients, and working with insurance and other industry partners. Before joining Crozier, Mr. Hornby was Senior Vice President & Executive Director of Global Risk Partners, an international risk control and loss prevention firm specializing in fine art and valuables.
Working primarily for insurers and a range of public/private companies and public institutions, Mr. Hornby travelled extensively and became a recognized expert on the development of risk assessment programs and mitigation strategies. He has spoken at a variety of international and regional conferences, and has been featured in a number of published articles relating to risk control and risk transfer programs. Mr. Hornby was raised in England, has lived and worked in London, Hong Kong, Bangkok, and Miami but is now based in New York and resides in Connecticut.
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Sam Pugatch, David Sleeman, Simon Hornby
Sam Pugatch, David Sleeman, Gregory Smith, Simon Hornby