Ebook: Managing Relationships in the Art Market
Jun 19, 2017
For aspiring art advisors and new art collectors
This Ebook addresses the relationship between art advisors and art collectors - from both perspectives. It describes the idiosyncrasies of the art market and why they are problematic for new art collectors. The Ebook further discusses the ways in which art advisors provide value to their clients. Over the last century the perception of art has changed from a purchase of passion to a financial asset. This development has had consequences for the way in which art transactions are conducted. Annelien Bruins advises aspiring art advisors on how to successfully manage the relationship with their clients, discusses the art advisory career trajectory and lastly, the future of the profes-sion. Access the Ebook via amazon for $4.99 US!Author
Annelien Bruins
Annelien Bruins serves as an independent Chief Marketing Officer to companies in the art, luxury and wealth management industries. She is a board member of the Foundation of the American Institute of Conservation.
Prior to her current focus on marketing strategy, she founded and ran her own art advisory firm in London, founded Katapult Coaching for Artists, an online business that...