Jack Waters played the title role in the critically acclaimed film “Jason And Shirley” showcased at MoMa in 2015 the year of its release.
Jack’s own experimental short, “The Male GaYze” exhibited at the Whitney Museum in the groundbreaking “Black Male: Representations Of Masculinity in Contemporary American Art”. He and his partner, Peter Cramer, co-directed the paradigm shifting downtown cultural center Abc No Rio in the mid ’80s. Jack and Peter recently presented their mixed media work “Spaghetti Wrestling” at The Herman Nitsch Museum/Fondazione Morra in Naples, Italy. Always the trailblazers, they currently host events at Le Petit Versailles, the cutting edge garden venue on Manhattan’s Lower East Side.
His profile photo is a portrait by Sally Apfelbaum taken at Le Petit Versailles.
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Barbara Hoffman, Jeannette Montgomery Barron, Jack Waters, Rosalba Carriera