Michael McCullough is a Founding Partner of Pearlstein McCullough & Lederman LLP, a law firm providing high-level services to the domestic and international art markets.
Michael McCullough’s art law practice covers a broad area of the art market. He advises galleries, auctioneers, and collectors on a variety of matters regarding consignment agreements, private sale agreement, authenticity issues, ownership issues, and many others.
During his ten years as compliance counsel at Sotheby’s, he gained extensive experience in the full range of commercial and regulatory concerns involved in art market transactions.
Mr. McCullough is an Adjunct Lecturer in Christie’s Master’s Degree Program in Art Business where he teaches “Art Law.”
Mr. McCullough is a also a Senior Advisor to the Art and Cultural Heritage Law Committee of the ABA.
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Peter K. Tompa, Clinton Howell, Michael McCullough, Narric Rome, Lark E. Mason, Jr., James McAndrew