Jennifer Mass

Jan 14, 2020

Ph.D., President at Scientific Analysis of Fine Art Jennifer L. Mass, Ph.D. is the Founder and President of Scientific Analysis of Fine Art (SAFA), LLC. She founded SAFA in 2007 to address a growing need for objective material assessment of works in the art market, complementing connoisseurship and conservation assessments. SAFA assists lawyers, insurers, collectors, […]
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Curt Bilby

Jul 5, 2019

Dr. Curt Bilby has over twenty-five years of executive leadership experience in both the US and Europe that has focused on technology commercialization and company growth across several markets and technologies. Previous to his current tenure at Art Analysis & Research, Dr. Bilby was the President and CEO of Terapio Corporation, a biopharmaceutical company developing […]
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Margaret Holben Ellis

Apr 14, 2017

Margaret Holben Ellis, Eugene Thaw Professor of Paper Conservation; Director, Thaw Conservation Center, The Morgan Library and Museum (part-time); Conservation Consultant, Villa La Pietra In addition to being the Eugene Thaw Professor of Paper Conservation at the Institute of Fine Arts, Margret also serves as Director of the Thaw Conservation Center at the Morgan Library & Museum. She teaches […]
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Art Collecting Tips and Techniques for Successful Collecting

Mar 21, 2016

Here, we have a look at the habits of successful collectors. Whether you are buying out of personal passion or as a financial investment, it is important to ask the right questions to the right people, at the right time.
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The Fine Arts Conservancy, Inc.

Jan 7, 2016

Leading museums, major private collectors, galleries, noted contemporary artists and governments, both domestic and international, rely upon the museum trained conservators of The Fine Arts Conservancy.
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The Conservation Center

Jan 7, 2016

As one of the nation’s leading private art restoration and conservation laboratories, The Conservation Center has cared for fine art from some of the country’s most prestigious museums, galleries, insurance companies, corporations, and private collections. The Center is the largest facility of its kind in the nation.
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South Florida Art Conservation

Jan 7, 2016

With over 30 years of experience, South Florida Art Conservation are the leading specialists for conserving and restoring fine art and rare collectibles in South Florida. Their services include condition assessment, treatment proposal, preventive conservation, remedial conservation, restoration and analytical studies in a wide range of materials and techniques.
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SF Art Conservation

Jan 7, 2016

Art Conservation focuses on the treatment, preservation and maintenance of three-dimensional art including sculpture and contemporary art, decorative arts, furniture, Asian art, and ethnographic materials. The company quality of service and conservation treatment is demonstrated by the client list. They are under contract by San Francisco Arts Commission and the City of Pleasanton for ongoing […]
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Heritage Preservation

Jan 6, 2016

Heritage Preservation has decades of international experience in every aspect of sculpting – from clay to bronze to patina.
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Getty Conservation Institute

Jan 6, 2016

Getty Conservation Institute is a private, non-profit institution that works internationally to advance conservation practice through research, education, applied field work, and the dissemination of knowledge.
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Gawain Weaver Art Conservation

Jan 5, 2016

Gawain Weaver Art Conservation provides conservation treatment and consulting services to museums, galleries, collectors, historical societies, libraries, and individuals. Their services range from the treatment of individual fine art prints, to the care of large print and negative collections.
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Protecting Your Art Collection

Jan 4, 2016

Today, a new generation of art collectors has emerged for which art is an increasingly important asset. Many art lovers own collections or actively transact in the art market with appreciation and pleasure.
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The Don'ts of Art Collecting – A Primer on What Not to Do

Jan 4, 2016

Please join our panel of industry experts as they discuss the “don’ts” of starting, building and protecting an art collection.
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Visual Artists Rights Act (VARA): Do's & Don’ts of Collecting Unusual Mediums

Jan 4, 2016

Panelists will conduct an interactive discussion on past and present mediums used by fine artists and how they affect aspects of valuation, security, shipping, storage, restoration, climate controls, title and authenticity.
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Adventures in Media – Collecting and Protecting Unusual Art

Dec 30, 2015

Panelists will conduct an interactive discussion on past and present mediums used by fine artists.
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Nica Gutman Rieppi

Dec 30, 2015

Nica Gutman Rieppi is the Manager of US Operations for Art Analysis and Research (US) LLC, which specializes in the technical study of paintings using technical art history and science-based analytical approaches. She obtained a BA in Art History and French at Emory University, Atlanta, before studying for her MA and Certificate of Advanced Study […]
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Legal Issues in Art: Avoiding Pitfalls in Transactions

Dec 30, 2015

Often collectors only discover legal issues with their artwork years after they purchase it, making it difficult, if not impossible, to remedy the situation.
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Rowan Geiger

Dec 30, 2015

Rowan Geiger, the Director and Principal Conservator of SF Art Conservation, holds a Masters degree in Art Conservation from the Royal College of Art, London. In addition to three years in studio training at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, she has held staff positions at the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco; San Francisco […]
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Fine Art Storage: Standards, Services and Options

Dec 30, 2015

It is important to stay in touch with the basic strategies regarding storage while at the same time being aware of developing trends.
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Caring for Your Art Collection

Dec 30, 2015

Experts discuss best practices and why caring for your artwork matters.
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Protecting Your Art: Disaster Mitigation Planning for Private Collections

Dec 30, 2015

Establishing a customized pre- and post-emergency plan for your collection can make all the difference for mitigating significant physical and financial loss when a natural catastrophe strikes.
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Miami Design Preservation League

Dec 30, 2015

Miami Design Preservation League (MDPL) is a non-profit organization devoted to preserving, protecting, and promoting the cultural, social, economic, environmental and architectural integrity of the Miami Beach Architectural Historic District and all other areas of the City of Miami Beach where historic preservation is a concern.
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Judith Frankel

Dec 30, 2015

Ms. Frankel is the Director of Programs and Outreach for the Miami Design Preservation League. As a part of this role she oversees the educational programming for the League and works with its Public Policy committee on advocacy issues. She holds a Master Degree in Urban Planning from the University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelors […]
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Miami Beach Art Deco

Dec 30, 2015

In the 1920s, 30s and 40s Art Deco architecture came to define the fledgling city of Miami Beach. Following WWII the world moved on to other design movements and South Beach faded along with its architecture.
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