Creative Technology Can Be Disruptive. Just Like Many of the Women Working with It

Oct 2, 2017

Galleries and art fairs are showing a growing array of digital work. This new creative technology can include installation, video, interactive, virtual reality, and forms that are yet to be invented. When speaking to a gallery owner at a recent art fair, it was explained that many children have become so accustomed to touching the […]
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Best Practices in Art Advisory - The 101 Program for Art Advisors

Sep 13, 2017

Collecting art is exciting, intellectually stimulating and emotionally rewarding. And if you know what you’re doing, it could also be worth your while financially. So how do you get to know the art world and make sure you buy quality art at a reasonable price? Well, unless you are willing to spend years acquiring the […]
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5 Questions on Becoming an Art Advisor

Sep 8, 2017

This may come as a surprise but the opacity of the art market is not just confusing for art collectors, it’s also confusing for emerging art advisors. Annelien Bruins, CEO and Senior Art Advisor of Tang Art Advisory, shares her expertise on how to become an art advisor and the role they play. What does […]
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Where Did Pop Art Come From?

Sep 1, 2017

Pop Art is an impactful art movement in Britain and the US that emerged in the mid-50s and flourished in the 60s. The term “Pop Art” was coined in 1955 by Lawrence Alloway, a British curator and critic. Pop Art was the art of popular or “material” culture and was a revolt against the status quo and the […]
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Ai Weiwei to Receive the 2017 Adrienne Clarkson Prize for Global Citizenship in Toronto

Aug 25, 2017

6 Degrees has announced that Ai Weiwei will be coming to Toronto to receive the 2017 Adrienne Clarkson Prize for Global Citizenship. The great Chinese artist and activist will accept the award on Wednesday, September 27, at Koerner Hall, TELUS Centre for Performance and Learning in Toronto. Among the most renowned and revered of living […]
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Art Changes with the Times. Apparently so do Collectors.

Aug 18, 2017

The aesthetic value of art is almost impossible to quantify and the emotions that it elicits can be priceless. But what about the actual cost. This is where art finance is helpful. It’s the component of the art market that enables us to know the monetary store of value in a piece of work. This […]
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The Art Lawyer's Diary by Barbara Hoffman: Grand Tour - Documenta 14, Skulptur Projekte 2017, Mondrian

Aug 8, 2017

With a scheduled business trip to Amersfoort, Netherlands (yes, I am still practicing art and cultural heritage law), I took the opportunity to travel six days earlier to continue what the art world has called “The Grand Tour”: from Venice, to Kassel (“Documenta”) and Münster (“Skulptur Projekte”). Whilst the “Grand Tour” included Basel, my self-guided […]
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Eliminating Art World Borders Through Education and Technology

Jul 28, 2017

Leading online and experiential art network, One Art Nation, unites art collectors and experts around the world The online art market is experiencing rapid growth like never before. Today, collectors can buy art from almost anywhere in the world without ever having to leave home. But purchasing is only one part of the puzzle. More […]
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Building a Collection Can Take a Lifetime. Don’t Rush the Details When Selling Your Work

Jul 24, 2017

Art collectors spend years building up a collection of work. Many rotate their art between walls and storage. Depending on the value and/or cultural significance of the work, some collectors may also loan out work to institutions such as galleries and museums. That being said, collections often evolve with times, taste, and financial considerations. There […]
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The Primary vs Secondary Art Market

Jul 12, 2017

The art market is split up into the primary and secondary market. If an artwork comes straight out of an artist’s studio, by way of a gallery or a contemporary art fair, it’s most likely being offered for sale for the first time. This is the primary art market when the price for the piece […]
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Ebook: Managing Relationships in the Art Market

Jun 19, 2017

For aspiring art advisors and new art collectors This Ebook addresses the relationship between art advisors and art collectors – from both perspectives. It describes the idiosyncrasies of the art market and why they are problematic for new art collectors. The Ebook further discusses the ways in which art advisors provide value to their clients. […]
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Stephen Bulger Gallery to Open New Space at 1356 Dundas Street West, Toronto

Jun 12, 2017

After nearly 15 years in their current location, Stephen Bulger Gallery have finally found a new gallery space in their neighbourhood that is large enough to accommodate their ambitions to be one of the world’s leading commercial galleries for great photographs of all types. On September 9, 2017, they open the doors of 1356 Dundas […]
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The 57th Venice Biennale 2017: Getting to the Art of the Matter

Jun 7, 2017

© Barbara Hoffman, 2017 Barbara T. Hoffman is a preeminent international art lawyer with an undergraduate degree in art history. She has been a passionate follower of the contemporary art scene for years and a regular attendee at the Venice Biennale since the early 1980’s. She has written frequently on law, art and politics for […]
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Themes of Globalization, Identity and Spirituality Expressed in a Variety of Media are Prevalent Throughout the Biennale

May 26, 2017

As is so often the case in Venice, the Giardini’s Central Pavilion where the “historic” national pavilions from 1907 are located generated a space for artistic commentary. For example, the United States Pavilion, a Palladian-style structure built in 1930 in a style resembling Thomas Jefferson’s home, presents Mark Bradford’s exhibition critiquing this Jeffersonian structure and […]
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The Issue of Fake Paintings Within Indonesian Modern Art

May 18, 2017

In April 2012, during the opening of the exhibition Back to the Basics, at the OHD Museum in Magelang, Central Java, the most senior collector and supporter of Indonesian modern and contemporary art, Dr Oei Hong Djien (OHD) exhibited paintings by late Indonesian master’s that were yet to be seen in public. OHD’s museum houses […]
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Art As An Asset Class?

Apr 28, 2017

During the Hellenistic Period, 4th – 1st century BC, the Greeks first developed the taste for art collecting, valuing it for aesthetic purposes rather than religious or civic significance. The impulse to invest in art however is a new phenomenon. The 17th century diarist John Evelyn noted that ‘even Dutch farmers pay high prices for […]
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A Wider Array of Artists and Collectors

Apr 20, 2017

The trend toward globalization is creating an art market that includes a wider array of artist as well as collectors. When it comes to artists, Latin American art provides us a great example of this shift. Kaeli Deane, Head of Sale for Phillips Latin American Art department, says that Latin Americans typically purchased work created […]
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5 Questions on Art & Digital Copyright Law (Part 2)

Apr 7, 2017

With the dual phenomena of increase in art world wealth and the ease of exploiting content online, self proclaimed specialists and bloggers in “art law” and digital copyright law are multiplying. Recently named one of 51 High Wattage Women in the Art World, Barbara T. Hoffman’s writings and cases have generated legislation, influenced the development […]
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Art Collecting 101: Finding Gems (Without Breaking the Bank)

Apr 3, 2017

Art is one of those investments that pays off in the future and you can enjoy it in the here & now. While you should choose pieces that speak to you, it’s also wise to consider their potential to appreciate in value. But where to start? Julia Wehkamp and Amanda Dunn are co-founders of One […]
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5 Questions on the Need for Art Law (Part 1)

Mar 31, 2017

As the art world becomes more complex, so does the need for qualified legal professionals. Barbara Hoffman of The Hoffman Law Firm, who practically invented “art law” forty years ago, shares her insights into how this need developed. You are one of the pioneer practitioners of art law. What are the characteristics of the field […]
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VIDEO: Collecting Art - Have You Been Bitten by the Bug?

Mar 28, 2017

What tips could you give to first time art buyers? Why did you start to collect art? How have you grown your collection over the years? Where have you purchased art and do you have a preference? Joined seasoned Toronto based collector, David Angelo, as he provides advice on building a collection by educating yourself […]
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A Snapshot of Art History and Photorealism

Mar 23, 2017

The camera has been arguably one of the most disruptive technological advancements in art history. From the first cave paintings, art was used to tell stories and record historic events. Then roughly 150 years ago, the camera changed the way we captured the visual world. Suddenly art wasn’t the only way to depict historic events, […]
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5 Questions on Collector vs Investor

Mar 16, 2017

As the art market becomes bigger, faster and more complex, acquiring the services of an art advisor is a great way to navigate the murky waters with confidence. Javier Lumbreras, CEO of Artemundi Management, shares his expertise on collecting for passion and investment, and the increase in demand for art investment products. What is the […]
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For One of the Biggest Shifts in the New York Art Scene, You Can Thank Guerrillas.

Mar 9, 2017

Not the animal, but an anonymous group of radical feminist female artists known as the Guerrilla Girls. In 1989, the Modern Art Department of the MET’s public collections had less than 5% of works produced by women. And yet 85% of the nudes were of females. Gender and racial inequality is an issue that the […]
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